We are InfoTip

Your partner for the optimization of service processes

Our special corporate structure combines our unique know-how with the specific advantages of both small and large companies.

For us, everything revolves around the digitization of service processes. With our products and services, we make service and customer support processes more transparent, faster and more efficient. From warranty, repair and exchange processes to cashback campaigns and the fiduciary payment of handling fees - with our digital solutions, you can cover all your service processes holistically.

Our mission

In its com­plexity, per­fect ser­vice is a ma­jor chal­lenge for any com­pany. That is why we sup­port our cus­to­mers in ful­fil­ling their service pro­mises. We see our­selves as ex­perts in service ma­na­ge­ment and make com­plex ser­vice pro­ces­ses fas­ter and more ef­fi­cient with our high­ly di­gitized IT so­lu­tions. In the pro­cess, our sys­tems cre­ate sys­te­matic struc­tures and ab­so­lute trans­pa­ren­cy for every­one in­volved in the ser­vice pro­cess.

Our vision

Our vi­sion is to pro­vide our cus­to­mers with the most ef­fi­cient IT so­lu­tions for ser­vice cases. In doing so, we want to cre­ate a plea­sant ex­pe­ri­en­ce for all par­ties and to­ge­ther, through our so­lu­tions, create real value.
In doing so, we are con­stant­ly growing and evol­ving and con­tri­bu­ting to a sustainable fu­ture with our sys­tems.

Our function

Since 1997, we have been con­nec­ting end cus­to­mers, ma­nu­fac­tu­rers, lo­gis­ti­cians and work­shops with our soft­ware, there­by enabling com­plete trans­pa­ren­cy and a well-co­or­di­na­ted pro­cess of ser­vice cases for all par­ties in­volved.

We stand for in­di­vi­dual so­lu­tions and work to­gether with our cus­to­mers specifically on the optimal im­ple­men­ta­tion for them.
With our agile pro­ject me­thods and our spe­cia­lized team, we always find a so­lu­tion. As a direct part­ner, we sup­port you from the very begin­ning and stand by your side through­out until the pro­ject is com­ple­ted.

These companies trust InfoTip


Service for over 20 years

Foun­ded in 1997 as a joint, multi-ven­dor IT service com­pa­ny for the con­su­mer elec­tro­nics in­dus­try, InfoTip con­tin­ues to evolve. But our pas­sion is and re­mains ser­vice.


In Ja­nu­ary 1997, the of­fi­cial foun­da­tion of InfoTip Ser­vice GmbH takes place in Frank­furt am Main. By this time, the pro­vi­sio­nal com­pa­ny had de­ve­loped from dis­ket­te dis­patch of re­pair in­struc­tions, to spare parts or­ders via btx/Datex J, to da­ta ex­change via the tele­phone net­work as the first ISDN ap­pli­ca­tion.

1998 to 2003

In the first four years after its foun­da­tion, the InfoTip sys­tem al­ready rea­ches over 5,100 users from Ger­ma­ny, Aus­tria and Switzer­land. The da­ta trans­fer of re­pair in­struc­tions and spare parts or­ders takes place via ISDN line or Inter­net down­load (FTP). The com­pany also in­tro­du­ces the InfoTip PDB (pro­duct da­ta­base), on which al­most 50 ma­nu­fac­tu­rers make their pro­duct da­ta avai­la­ble by that time.

2004 to 2005

In 2004, InfoTip's most suc­cess­ful pro­duct to date, the InfoTip Repair Tracking Ser­vice Sys­tem (RTS), was laun­ched. Cen­tra­lized re­pairs can be co­or­di­na­ted and handled via the mul­ti-ven­dor ser­vice plat­form ope­ra­ted by InfoTip.
In addi­tion, the ori­gi­nal InfoTip sys­tem gets a com­plete­ly new user inter­face in 2005 and is named ISS - In­for­ma­tion & Ser­vice Suite.

2006 to 2012

InfoTips RTS con­tin­ues to grow and now has over 20,000 re­gis­tered users across Europe. In 2011, the 2,000,000th order will be pro­ces­sed via RTS.
In ad­di­tion, a com­pre­hen­sive tool for hand­ling re­calls is being de­ve­loped on the ba­sis of RTS, which will be in­tro­duced in 2012 as an ad­di­tio­nal pro­duct, the Re­call Ma­na­ge­ment Sys­tem (RMS).

2013 to 2020

InfoTip's pro­ducts and ser­vices are now in use world­wide and are used by well-known cus­to­mers from various in­dus­tries. In ad­di­tion, InfoTip has ob­tained ISO/IEC 27001:2017 and ISO 9001:2017 cer­ti­fi­ca­tions to en­sure con­tinuous im­prove­ment of se­curity and re­lia­bili­ty, as well as its own qua­li­ty and data se­cu­ri­ty stan­dards in the wake of the new GDPR.


Since the be­gin­ning of 2021 InfoTip is a cer­ti­fied Sales­force Con­sul­ting Part­ner and ex­tends its exis­ting ser­vice port­fo­lio with the in­te­gra­tion and im­ple­men­ta­tion of Sales­force pro­ducts.
As an ex­pert in ser­vice ma­na­ge­ment, InfoTip is con­ti­nuous­ly de­ve­lo­ping its highly di­gi­tized app­li­ca­tions and is cons­tant­ly wor­king on in­no­va­tive IT so­lu­tions.